May 21, 2018

Cheers to Five Years

It's been FIVE years since I started this blog. It's amazing that I've kept it running for as long as I have without giving up (though I know that in the last year or so it has seemed as though I've given up on it quite a bit)!

The truth is: work has been eating my life, not in a good way. It's to the point where I want to cherish every minute of my free time by doing absolutely nothing. I know this isn't good. And it has been tricky - being cognizant of the fact that there are passions you want to pursue, passions that are being put in the back burner because you can't quite reconcile the energy to simply do it and get it done.

But, another truth: I've not given up on this blog yet. I may be putting out a severely low volume of posts by the month, but the fact of the matter is, I'm still here, still typing away when I can, still watching movies but not writing as fast as I should (The Greatest Show on Earth and Moulin Rouge are next in the queue), still passionate about film, still daydreaming about watching A Woman Under the Influence some day but frustrated that I can't act on it at this exact moment in time because I'm abiding by a goal and promise I made for myself five years ago. I think about films - past, present, future - every day. Even if I don't write every day - the love I have for the medium endures.

So I hope that you bear with me as I continue to get my shit together. And I hope that you continue to check-in, to read, to comment, to share your thoughts. That's what keeps me going!


  1. Happy anniversary!!! :) And don't worry, I totally understand your problem. My job is currently eating me and I also have so much to do in my private life, I am happy if I get to watch a movie once a week at all so I also don't feel like blogging most the time. But I will also continue to publish from time to time. :)

    1. Keep on keeping on Fritz!! :) and thank you!

  2. Happy anniversary! And it’s a pleasure to read your reviews regardless of the pace on which you post them.

  3. Happy anniversary! I'm glad you are continuing to blog and look forward to your next entry. I can't imagine how you find the time and energy to live your life and write the interesting and insightful entries that you do. (Personally, after I get home from work, I have no energy to do anything!)

    1. Story of my life the past...year and a half or so. I suppose I've thrown myself into a self-imposed exile. It was needed - sticking to a regimented writing schedule can be grueling, especially when you have writer's block, are uninspired by a performance, etc. But I'm eager to get back at it again.

  4. I’m glad you’re not giving up and also glad that you’re taking time for yourself. The lesson I’ve still yet to learn in life (at the age of 57) is balance. It’s never good to give too much of yourself to one thing be it a job or a personal passion. With balance each can enrich your personal life. Without balance, passions can become obsessions and work can burn out any sense of self. You’re wise to slow down and recognize what you need.

    I’ve been “lurking “ about your blog for quite a while but have never taken the time to conment. Your analysis of all these classics is spot on and well-written. I take such pleasure in knowing there are still plenty of young people who will keep these films “alive”!

    Best wishes to you! Relax, refresh, restore...


    1. Thanks so much Matt for commenting - I appreciate it. And welcome!

      Can't agree with you enough about balance...for awhile there I stuck with such an aggressive posting schedule that it became a duty and less of a hobby. But the perils of work as of late have made me realize the need to just go with the flow with my spare time and write when it comes to me.

      It's been a nice break. But I do want to get back at it. Thank you for the kind words and glad you like what you see.

  5. Allen, you've developed a fan base here so it's good to hear that you plan to continue. If you decide that you can't, well, that's okay, too ... just give us forewarning because I, for one, will miss your blogs!

    1. You're too kind. I will never say die if I can help it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Happy anniversary!

    I'm always excited to read your posts because they're concise and entertaining. I wish I could write that well haha.

    I understand when you point out that writing demands a lot of energy to do it well. With work, watching films/TV, and other stuff, every free time is valuable and even if you want to post, it's tough. I've had my blog since 2009, but I can never keep regular posting.

    I hope things would work out for you. I look forward to reading your posts (I'd be more involved once you reach the 70s onwards haha), but whatever works best for you.

    Wishing you all the best!

    Juan Carlos
    (The Final Oscar)

    1. Thank you for the kind comment and hope all is well with you also! The seventies are still a way's away but looking forward to our continued dialogue with one another :)
