May 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Oscargasms!

Today my little blog turns a year old! I'm nowhere near as seasoned as some other bloggers, but I've been blogging about Oscar related performances spastically since 2010 and this marks the first full year where I've remained consistent and devoted to one blog. I pour a lot of my time into Oscargasms, (probably more than I should) and it's rejuvenating to be able to exercise my Oscar-obsessed mentality into an outlet as well as having others willingly read and contribute to my ramblings. So thank you to anyone and everyone who's given me words of support! We are a niche little group of like-minded individuals and I'm glad we've found each other in our love of this little gold statue.

So here's to many more years of Oscargasms--though not too many more years, because I mean, I'd like to get this all done sooner rather than later...I don't want be 50 and still doing this.